Xavier Damman

Citizen, dad, entrepreneur, commoner, regen (twitter, linkedin, nostr).


Presentations, interviews, …

Interview in French about the new Commons Hub Brussels, BX1, September 2024

Source: BX1

Empowering cities with Stable Coins, Stable Summit, Brussels, July 2024


Interview in French about IPCC report, climate emergency and what we can do as citizens, BX1, March 2023

Pledge to walk and cycle more, European Young Leaders, 2022


Crowdsourcing Week, 2018

MIT Innovator of the year 2016


BrusselsTogether, Crowdsourcing Week, Brussels, 2016

OuiShare, Barcelona, 2016

What is Storify in 1 minute, EU Innovation Convention, 2014


Talk on Storify and the power of citizens telling their story at TEDxBrussels, 2012